Just You Think (Vol. 1 & 2)
Authhor : Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar along with Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad
- ISBN: 978-93-80355-68-9
- Cover: Hard Cover
- Pages: 1344
- Book Type: Print Edition
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In this magnum opus, Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar along with Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad, who worked on this book for many years, compiled information of more than two hundred disease conditions along with a list of remedies that are commonly indicated in each condition.
This work is not going to replace the older and classical method of individualization and case analysis, but we wanted to form a Repertorial Materia Medica that can be used as a reference for various pathologies, from simple to complex.
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This book was formed based on the study of Boericke’s Materia Medica, Clarke’s Dictionary Practical Materia Medica, Pulford’s Graphic Drug Pictures, NM Chaudhary’s studies, Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, Farrington’s Clinical Materia Medica and Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura. Repertories like Knerr’s Repertory, Kent’s Repertory and Boericke’s Repertory were also extensively examined. Old homeopathic journals including Hahnemanian Gleanings and North American Journal of Homeopathy were reviewed and an in-depth investigation of other writings of various masters like Burnetts, Lippe, R.T. Cooper, Grimmer, and Bernoville was conducted.
Many cured cases of Dr. Sarkar were assessed and reviewed as well as cases of various other Kolkata masters.
This book also will act to encourage the reader’s curiosity and broaden their minds. In each chapter, the reader will not only see common polychrest remedies, but also organ-specific remedies, Indian remedies, Bach flower remedies, allopathic remedies in potentised form, pathological remedies, etc. proving that there is an entire spectrum of remedies we can use and that we should not be limited in our view. As Dr. Sarkar says, we should just think out of the box. – Dr. Rajan Sankaran
Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar is one of the busiest practitioners in West Bengal. He was a professor of Materia Medica at The National Institute of Homoeopathy in Kolkata. In 35 years of clinical practice, Dr. Sarkar’s tremendous success in pathological cases has compelled the rest of the homoeopathic world to witness what he is doing and how he is doing it.
Dr. Sarkar is a dedicated and voracious reader of the Materia Medica, Repertory, and Clinical Medicine. He is a master of Allen’s Keynotes, Boericke’s Materia Medica, Kent Repertory, and Pulford’s Materia Medica. His affinity and desire for reading, depth of understanding, innovative thinking and extensive clinical practice, have created a unique approach, which is inclusive of his case-taking method, follow-ups, and potency selection.
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