In Wednesdays With Rajan – 3 (WWR-3), the latest online program from Homoeopathic Medical Publishers (HMP), participants learn the intricate art and skill of case-taking, case-analysis, and follow-up.
This program follows both WWR-1, which focused primarily on learning the basics in homeopathy, and WWR-2, where advanced lectures on the Sensation Method were presented.
WWR-3 focuses on the newest evolution in practice, including the Synergy Approach and The 8-box Method. In this course, participants will receive advanced training with Dr. Rajan Sankaran where he presents an integration of all methods in case-taking and analysis. WWR-3 also highlights the importance of the techniques used in follow-ups and how to manage long-term follow-ups in practice.
In these lectures, Dr. Sankaran goes into great detail and explains the process of case-taking and analysis with step-by-step instruction, allowing participants to get a sneak-peak into his own thought process and understanding of the art of homeopathy.
- 3 Sections
- 45 Lessons
- 36 Weeks
- Section II CASES30
- Section III FOLLOW-UP Talks10
Please can I join the Wednesdays?
I am studying in the UK with a school and I want to learn all I can
Hi. Kindly write to and we shall revert with details of WWR 3 . Thank you.
Bin klassische Homöopathin und immer begeistert, mehr dazu zu lernen.
Nach meiner Lektüre von Dr. Sankarans Buch, was mir noch mehr Augen geöffnet hat, möchte ich an den WWR s mit Dr. Sankaran teilnehmen dürfen. Wie kann ich das bewerkstelligen?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Grazyna Lunau-Storm
Thank You Grazyna, please do visit for Remedies With Rajan on HOPE website.